Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Good News

Things are starting to look up in my life and getting better day by day. I am so happy to say that I was accepted to Vancouver Film School for the Acting Essentials and Acting for Film and Televions programs. I am super excited and also scared at the same time. This is a huge move for me and a big change in my life and career. I will be moving to the other end of the country to start a new life on my own yet again. I know that God will provide what I need and I have to keep trusting in Him. He has gotten me through this really rough time in my life and I am starting to feel strong from it all.

I thank God for not letting me take my life because I now realize how stupid it was and that I was so close to death. That alone scares me. I know that my life is what I make it but it took this near death experience to make me realize that I am not ready to give up just yet. I want to do this acting program and hopefully act in movies or on television, it's something creative I can do and it's a challenge for me. Not only do I have major stage fright but I also fear doing anything in front of people. So I am forcing myself into the program hoping to change this and find who I really am.

Praise God for not giving up on me and for me not giving up on myself. I am almost off one of my anti-depressants and being followed very closely by a doctor. He seems to think if I feel the same off of it, then I don't need it. I hope he's right then I will only be on 2 meds instead of three. God grant me the serenity to accept what I can not change, courage to change and wisdom to know the difference.


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